Most of them cut themselves with knives, razor blades, broken glass, nails, also nail biting, paper clips, pins, scissors, tacks, anything they can get their hands on. There are people who bang ther head against walls again and again. Others punch themselves in their own faces. Some also burn their own skin. Moreover they don´t sleep. Some of them throw themselves through panes of glass. What´s more people who often punch themselves in the stomach, legs and head. Many cutters bite or scratch themselves bloody. They are people who always feel extremly anxious and or numb to the world for periods of time until they hurt their body to break out of it, to feel alive, to feel anything at all. They interfere with the healing of their wounds. They wear turtelnecks and long sleeves to hide the evidence. Some cutters also pick with fingers in their own eyes. Others punch walls till their hand go all bruised and bloody. Some also set their hair and or skin on fire. If the worst comes to the worst they swallow batteries so they´ll open up inside them, burning their organs with batterie acid. Moreover, they swallow broken glass, razor blades or needles. Some cutters hit themselves with blunt objects. They are people who try to break their own bones. Others expose their body to extreme weather conditions without wearing protectiv clothing so they´ll get frostbite or sunburn or chills and fevers. There are also some who stare directly into the sun until it nearly blinds them. They even might pull out their hair.
They are not sucidial, although a third of them is expected to be dead within five years. They suffer from what is called by some "Deliberate Self Harm Syndrome," by others "complex post-traumatic stress disorder" (PTSD), "Repetitive Self-Harm Syndrome" or "multiple personality/dissociative identity disorders" (MPD/DID). Many of these people simply call themselves "cutters," and some simply call what they do SI, or self-injury, and use SI as a verb, as in "I SI once a month".
razor blade = Rasierklinge
paper clip = Büroklammer, Heftklammer
pin = Stecknadel
tack = Heftstiche
bruise = blauer Fleck
panes of glass = Glasstücke
swallow = schlucken, hinunter schlucken
blunt = abstumpfen, stumpf
expose = aussetzen
chill = Kaltgefühl
stare directly = direkt hinein starren
anxious = ängstlich, bange, unruhig
numb = betäuben
interfere = sich einmischen, dazwischen kommend
turtleneck = Rollkragenpullover
sleeves = lange Ärmel
evidence = Beweiß, Beweißmaterial
sucidial = Selbstmord
expect = erwarten
suffer = Leiden
Deliberate Self Harm Syndrome = Überlegtes Selbst verletzendes Verhalten
complex post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) = Post-traumatischer Stress.
Repetitive Self-Harm Syndrome or multiple personality/dissociative identity disorders (MPD/DID) = Multible Persönlichkeitsstörung
SI, or self-injury = Selbstbestrafung
abuse = Missbrauch
sexual misuse = Sexueller Missbrauch
self preservation technique = Selbstschutz Technik
self-mutilation = Selbstverstümmelung
relieve = Erleichterung
anxiety = Angst
alleviate = erleichtern, mindern
focus = konzentrieren
calm = beruhigen
experience = erleben
appropriate response = Antworten zuweisen
screwed = Schraube, bzw. bei ihm ist eine Schraube locker
oblivious = sich einer Sache nicht bewusst sein
target = Ziel
refusal = Ablehnung
suppress = unterdrücken
incline = neigen
irritable = reizbar
succeed = schaffen